Oct 18, 2008

Morning Commute

A sight like him helps brighten your morning commute at the metro, wouldn't it?


Anonymous said...

Darn,I can't stop looking at myself in my picture cell phone.Darn,I've been looking at myself for an hour and I keep missing my train for work.I've really got to get over my self
or I'll be here all day.I wish someone on the station were prettier than me,but alas,I am the prettiest one here.And now I break out in song "I feel pretty,oh so pretty and so giddy and so gay."
or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Looks like no body fat on that one.100% pure beef.

Anonymous said...

Imagine a really crowded train station where people are packed like sardines waiting for the train to arrive.Imagine you being the "people sardine" in front of that dude or better yet in back of him.Packed so tightly together you are literally joined to him and attached to him with each move.Nice way to start the daily commute and get your "juices" flowing to the point of semen staining in your underpants.Nice spot to have and be in!

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